Sport Rehabilitation

The Veteran Ski-Habilitation Week

For Veterans, the transition to civilian life is often tough. Those with physical or mental health issues face tough challenges and can become isolated and struggle alone. Our Ski-habilitation week offers a transformative break to help start a new phase in the transition to civilian life, and a relationship with SWV, as well as kick-starting the recovery process.  

How it works ​- Every year, 25 Veterans from the UK are selected to go to Klosters, in Switzerland. As well as skiing with qualified adaptive ski instructors, the trip provides the chance to discuss pain management needs and career interests with SWV’s coordinators. This ensures every Veteran can receive further support and bespoke mentoring following the trip. There is also a valuable opportunity to share experiences with other wounded Veterans, which often proves to be invaluable, helping Veterans to feel less alone in their battles and ongoing challenges that they face. ​

Medical professionals are also on hand during the trip. This is a dedicated team on site to help the Veterans - these include a GP and Sports Medicine Specialist, a Physiotherapist, an Osteopath, a Sports Massage Therapist and a Psychologist. In addition to medical clinics, there are evening sessions in Relaxation, Mindfulness and Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT). ​ After the week, each Veteran is introduced to their own Mentor, a person who they can turn to, to provide guidance and support throughout the ongoing recovery process.  

Joining The Programme

 Applications for 2026 are already open, so please get in touch.
This year's trip will run from 9th March to the 15th March 2026. (Buddies will travel out on 8th March)

To apply please click here