“This new programme was really useful for my pain management. It helped reduce isolation and improved my mental health through group activities.”

The Pain Resilience Programme (PRP) is a Veteran-specific online course. It is delivered in small groups with fully qualified clinicians to help Veterans struggling with chronic pain. The course provides Veterans with the tools required to understand and manage their pain.

  • PRP is a 26-week course with online sessions relating to:
  • Pain management,
  • Psychology of pain and ways to manage this,
  • Medication review and management,
  • Physical interventions,
  • Pain management and work/occupation.

PRP is a Veteran-led group-based programme, with the group component reported as particularly helpful since it allows a discussion of pain in a safe environment with others who have had similar experiences and problems.
Throughout the programme, participants have the support of two Veteran team leaders who are on hand to help facilitate discussion and assist with any issues.
Veterans have access to information about: 

  • The physiological response to pain, and an understanding as to why pain develops,
  • The function and effects of medication on the brain, and when they are most effective,
  • Individual advice and full support are given regarding medication reduction,
  • Strategies to manage pain more successfully with the end goal of considering employment options, 
  • Strategies to improve sleep patterns and relaxation,
  • Strategies to manage negative changes in mood caused by chronic pain, using psychological approaches, in order to harness a better understanding of thoughts, beliefs and feelings in relation to pain and its impact on their quality of life,
  • How to identify meaningful goals and work out how to achieve them, 
  • Specific exercises to aim to help affected areas feel less sensitive.

How To Join 

PRP is available to veterans who:​
Are able to commit to a 26-week online course from home or work with clinicians and follow-up group sessions. You will be required to attend two 90 minute sessions weekly led by an SWV veteran to share your thoughts and feedback on the sessions
Provide proof of service

Complete the application form, or if you have further questions email Martin Beaney

Meet the Team