Veteran Pathways
Family Support
Meet Your Mentor Weekend –
We run a support weekend – the Meet Your Mentor Weekend – after the Ski-habilitation week. This is not only an opportunity for Veterans to meet their Mentors, but also a valuable opportunity to introduce the Veterans and their spouses/partners to the SWV programmes on offer. During this weekend, the Veterans can re-connect with each other, as well as introducing partners, which can be incredibly beneficial. Many partners have commented that this weekend has been as beneficial to them as it has to their Veterans.
Bouncing Back –
This is open to the partners/spouses of all SWV Veterans.
Bouncing Back is an online programme carried out in hourly sessions over 8 weeks, facilitated by a therapist (who has personal experience, as the spouse of a Veteran with PTSD). These sessions act to connect other partners, not only to increase their support network, but for shared experience and understanding of what challenges are faced when supporting wounded Veterans as a family. The sessions also cover forms of self care, enabling a better understanding of managing stressful situations and life challenges that can often be faced as a family unit following the injury or diagnosis of a loved one in the Armed Forces.
The latest Bouncing Back programme started on 17th September 2024 and will run for 6 consecutive weeks, followed by a final check in session 1 month later, for more information and to learn about the next course please email-
Penny at [email protected]
or Rikki at [email protected]
“The Bouncing Back course is like nothing I have taken part in before. Initially I was reticent, it took a couple of weeks for us to gel as a group, but when we did and the guard came down the group provided a space to question, discuss and rethink our own attitudes, thought patterns and approaches. I no longer feel I have to jump on the emotional roller coaster too when there is a drama at home and I now have a group of friends where I don’t need to be guarded, they just get it without judgement.
Thank you to Supporting Wounded Veterans, this is a truly unique offering and I honestly believe it will benefit all those who take part”.
“I feel very fortunate to have been part of the Bouncing Back pilot. It has been so lovey to spend time relaxing and chatting with partners of Veterans who can relate to the challenges I face on a regular basis. Penny (therapist) guided us through the sessions so beautifully and I have come away with a more positive mindset, some great coping strategies and I am taking better care of myself by ensuring I make time for me. I believe this programme would be an absolute godsend for those whose partners are newly injured or sick. At times I felt so alone in the early days of my husband’s illness when he was struggling to come to terms with everything falling apart around him and was very difficult to love. Although I was lucky to have the support of family and friends, they could not fully understand what I was going through. The Bouncing Back girls just GET IT. I feel I have made a fab group of friends and really hope to meet them in person before too long!”
Veteran Ambassador Board
Our Veteran Ambassador Board enables Veterans to be represented on what they feel the charity sector should be providing for their ongoing care. Ambassadors are wounded Veterans who have been through an SWV programme. They are role models and assist SWV with fundraising events, wounded veteran awareness and inspirational talks at schools, community groups and projects. The Ambassador Board meets quarterly and liaises directly with the Executive Committee. These meetings cover updates on the progress of the charity and its Veterans, a review of SWV’s Programmes, and the Ambassadors also take the lead on the Regional Veteran Representative Group.
“My whole experience with SWV has restored my faith in the human race and has pulled me out of a very dark place, if I can help you guys out in anyway I will with great pleasure.”
Regional Support
Some injured Veterans who have been through our programmes volunteer to join the SWV Regional Veteran Representative (RVR) Group, a support network for all SWV veterans. The RVRs support other Veterans with welfare issues ranging from form-filling and guidance through the housing, benefits and pensions maze, to how to get the best support from their GP or Mental Health Worker. This is a volunteer role and the support the RVRs give to their peers is free. SWV also gives guidance and support to the wives/partners and families of our Veterans, who are often overlooked in Veteran rehabilitation. This could involve simply providing a listening ear or recommending other specialised charities.